Dynamic Marker Circles


When you place a marker on a map you have control over the marker icon, bubble help and info box text.

You can also draw a circle around the marker and you can control the color of the circle and the shading of the interior of the circle. The circle and its color can be used to convey information about the corresponding record in the Grid. The ability to draw a circle around the marker could be used to indicate the service area of a branch location. Or it might be used to represent the relative price of a house in a real estate application. For example,for more expensive houses you might draw a larger circle around the marker on the map. In this video, which shows a Grid based on the sample Airports database, we draw a circle around each marker on the map. The radius of the circle is proportional to the airport's elevation.

Alternate Views can put a circle around markers that you place on a map and control the radius, fill color, and opacity of the circle dynamically. Map showing the location of airports in Massachusetts. Have circle showing elevation of the airport. A more useful example might be branch location of offices with a circle around each marker indicating the service radius of the branch.  Such that all the points within the circle would be within the service area of that branch office. Go to alternate view definition. Open builder. Draw circle around marker. Take elevation in meters divide that by 50 and convert that into miles -

"" + (tbl.data("Elevation")/50) + "mi"

Radius expression. In addition you can set stroke color of line around the circle. Most powerful option is to be able to call into an Xbasic function where you can write code that is very elaborate to actually determine what the value of the opacity or color should be for the marker on the current map.